Getting started with Fuzzy Studio #5 : Playing your trajectory on the real robot

3 mins read

In this tutorial we will show you how easy it is to bring your simulation to life when Fuzzy Studio Production is connected to Fuzzy RTOS. In a few simple clicks, your simulation in Fuzzy Studio turns into a real-time digital twin for your robotic workcell. Fine tune every aspect of your process with precision and ease. No coding needed. We will also feature how to play them on your robot without Fuzzy RTOS.

Play your trajectories with Fuzzy RTOS

Now that you have figured how easy it was to create trajectories using Fuzzy Studio, you will be even more amazed at how easy it is to execute them with Fuzzy RTOS !

If you are connected to RTOS and your robot is ready, simply hold the Deadman Button (CTRL Key) to allow your robots movement and then simply press play and the trajectory will be played instantly on the real Robot !

If you robot is not at the start of the trajectory, you won’t be able to directly press play, but you will be able to create an Approach trajectory very easily by simply clicking on the button in the control bar.

This will create an Approach trajectory directly from your robot’s position to the first point of your trajectory ! This trajectory will be a Joint interpolation between those two poses.


It’s that simple ! That’s why we advise to use Fuzzy RTOS with Fuzzy Studio, it keeps things simple from the beginning to the end of your project ! Also as we take control of your robot with Fuzzy RTOS, we know how it will behave when playing the trajectory and it will fit the simulation that helped you design your trajectories !


Playing your trajectories without Fuzzy RTOS

If you like your Teach Pendant a lot and is also possible to play your trajectories without Fuzzy RTOS !

Keep in mind that the simulation might not reflect perfectly what will happen on your robot. In order to execute trajectories without using RTOS we’re going to export the waypoints that constitute our trajectories but we don’t have any control on how the robot will interpolate between two consecutive waypoints as each controller has its own algorithms that we have no knowledge of and no control on.

The first step to export a trajectory and exploit it on your controller is to select it in the Trajectory list and use the Right Panel to export the trajectory as .csv file.

This will output a simple .csv file that contains the waypoints coordinates in the robot referential.

The .csv file is typed in that manner :


With the X, Y and Z coordinates specified in milimeters and the Rx, Ry and Rz value in degrees in the Euler XYZ Extrinsic convention. Motion_type can be Spline, Joint, Line or JointSpline. Pause_duration is in seconds and blending_radius in percents.

This file then needs to be post-processed in order to be interpreted by your robot controller.

For this tutorial we have made and used a post processor that allowed us to transform a simple .csv file into a Kuka file for our Kuka KR 10 R1100 sixxx robot.

The first step is to import our .csv file into our post-processor, then transfer the program to the Robot controller using a USB drive (if the USB drive is not displayed on the Kuka you will need to enter the Administrator mode) Then select your program on the USB drive using the Teach Pendant, select Edit -> Copy, select an internal folder of the controller and then select Edit -> Paste.

Once the program is transferred you will need to Select it then execute it on your robot.

Here we are playing the program that comes from our exported trajectory on our KUKA robot. On the right we can see the Trajectory as it is simulated in Fuzzy Studio (and as it will be played on the robot when using Fuzzy RTOS) and on the left we see what the robot is doing.

We can see that we are losing the speed control that is present when using Fuzzy Studio and that the trajectory is not exactly the same as it would be when using Fuzzy RTOS. The trajectory can then be tuned with a fine knowledge of the proprietary robot languages and with some time, but it is not natively supported by the export process.


So don’t be afraid, you will perfectly be able to play your trajectories using only Fuzzy Studio ! Just be aware that the simulation won’t correspond exactly to how your robot will act !

And if you’re looking for the utmost simplicity and for easy, brand independant playing and tuning of your trajectories, Contact our sales team in order to get a Fuzzy RTOS + Fuzzy Studio Bundle !

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Picture of Noé Sandoz

Noé Sandoz

Application Engineer at Fuzzy Logic ! Passionate about Robotics and fond of innovative ideas and elegant solutions.

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