Fuzzy Logic Receives 1.75M€  In Deeptech Development Aid From BPI

2 mins read

Fuzzy Logic has just secured a Deeptech development grant from the BPI to accelerate the democratization of industrial robotics in France. 

In the current context, between conflicts and the energy crisis following the pandemic, French industrialists are facing the challenge of fast-track relocation. The demand for increased production, at lower costs and better quality is strong. But without skilled personnel and tools, the solution lies in technology, with robotization of production as the backbone. However, the robot remains largely inaccessible because it is expensive and complicated to use and requires robotics experts. Fuzzy Logic, with its software that allows non-experts to easily pilot a robot, offers manufacturers a way out. 

It is on this project of democratization of industrial robotics to the greatest number that the BPI granted its Deeptech development aid to Fuzzy Logic. The complex dossier required one year of work. 

The BPI grants this funding to projects that are vectors of disruptive innovation and that are developed in close collaboration with the research community. Fuzzy Logic’s software offers significant economic potential, as it is part of the reindustrialization of the region. This last point is one of the major axes supported by the BPI for its industry of the future plan. 

Antoine Hoarau, CTO of Fuzzy Logic, explains: “To achieve our ambition of enabling any industrialist, whatever their level of competence, to use industrial robotics, our R&D teams have many challenges to meet. They are working on the generation and planning of robot movements from basic instructions in complex and even changing environments, while remaining easy to use for a novice and complying with current safety standards. Overall, our goal is that an operator can simply show the robot what to do and then the robot will execute the requests safely on its own. This project requires a fine modeling of the environment, an ergonomic and intelligent machine with a minimum cognitive load. Our research pushes the state of the art of robotics and opens up questions for the scientific community. “

Ryan Lober, CEO of Fuzzy Logic, adds : “This grant will allow us to greatly accelerate the resolution or exploration of these topics in the next two years. We are opening up recruitment, mainly to talented researchers, engineers and developers who will be able to solve these complex problems.” He concludes, “Our software provides manufacturers with the ability to reappropriate their technological tool, to automate it, using previously impossible solutions.  And thus derisking their appropriation of industrial robots and improving their return on investment. 

We make factories independent by making their production evolve through technology. 

This is what we call “Automation Independence”.

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Picture of Ryan Lober

Ryan Lober

I believe that robots are amazing, and that more people should have access to them. Co-founding Fuzzy Logic has turned my passion for robots into my day job, and I consider myself lucky to have such an incredible career. My mission is to share knowledge and ideas that show people that industrial robotics doesn't have to be complicated or mysterious. Instead, that robots can be powerful tools that revolutionize their businesses.

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