What’s new with Fuzzy 4.7?

3 mins read

Hi Fuzzers! New month, new Fuzzy release. We’re celebrating Halloween, Thanksgiving and the arrival of version 4.7! A release that gives pride of place to Fuzzy RTOS, our real-time control environment. Our teams have once again worked hard to provide even better control, and faster readability. We can’t wait for you to discover what we’ve got in store for you!

Fuzzy RTOS Simulation is now integrated inside Fuzzy Studio

Fuzzy RTOS Simulation comes directly into Fuzzy Studio! No need to launch the Fuzzy RTOS Simulation external executable anymore, it is now launched automatically in the background when you add a robot to the 3D scene. In Fuzzy Studio, once you’re connected to the local MQTT broker, Fuzzy RTOS Simulation will run and provide a realistic behavior of the robot – just as if you were connected to the real robot !

It’s a step closer in closing the gap between the simulation and reality !

You can now immediately access robot data (i.e. the angular positions of each axis) when the robot is jogging.

Waypoints and Trajectories states displayed

With Fuzzy Studio version 4.7, you can directly visualize the status of each of your robotic trajectories.

If it’s green, your trajectory is ready to be played. If it’s crossed out green, a modification has been made to your trajectory, and a new generation is required. If it’s red, a problem is preventing your trajectory from being generated. On faulty trajectories, you can directly see which crossing points are faulty (flip, cusp…) thanks to the yellow indicator.

Similarly, hovering over your waypoints in the Trajectory panel shows you their spatial position in the simulation scene, and vice versa, to make any necessary modifications almost instantaneous.

Persistent parameters are configurable in settings

Until now, only default parameters were applied to all trajectories. With recent improvements to our generators, you now have the option of applying your own default settings. No need to modify your trajectories manually or in post-generation.

Changelog readable at Fuzzy Studio startup

And finally, the arrival of your favorite content in Fuzzy Studio 🙂 For each update, the first time you launch it, you’ll have direct access to the associated changelog. To access the details, you’ll need an Internet connection. Did you accidentally close the window? The changelogs can be consulted at any time in the Help section.

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Picture of Cedric Vandermeersch

Cedric Vandermeersch

Curiosity, Experience, Technology. As an application engineer at Fuzzy Logic, I look forward to showcase new products through ambitious and holistic approaches, to educate many generations of citizens and industrial leaders.

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